Die Tryin' Read online

Page 5

  ‘Your brother?’ Mario echoed, looking Tony up and down, and for a second Nick Black had no doubts Mario was thinking the exact same thing as him a few moments before.

  ‘Yeah, her brother, so do one,’ Tony ordered. ‘This is family business.’

  Nick Black stepped towards Mario, putting a friendly arm around his shoulder. ‘It’s all right, mate,’ he told him, speaking quiet in his ear. ‘He gets like this. Leave ’em to it, it’ll be all right.’

  Mario stared back at him hard. He was pissed, but he was also outnumbered. ‘He better not hurt her,’ he told Nick Black, pointing at him.

  ‘It’s his sister, man! Course he won’t hurt her.’

  Mario then seemed to chill a degree or two, and held his palms up. ‘Okay. Okay,’ he said and backed off a little.

  Nick Black puffed his cheeks, and then turned to face Charlie who was watching proceedings with a typical wide-eyed, freaked out look on his face. Nick Black guessed he was feeling a little guilty, thinking he had kicked all this off by spotting Maria in the first place. ‘Charlie,’ Nick Black called out to him. Charlie’s head spun round. ‘Stay with Mario,’ he told him as he approached him. ‘Make sure he don’t try anything,’ he added as he walked past him towards Tony and Maria. Charlie just nodded and moved closer to where Mario stood.

  Nick XR2 and Marco were standing a little way off, watching. Nick Black joined them.

  ‘Here we go again,’ Nick Black said to Nick XR2 as he turned to watch proceedings.

  ‘Who the fuck is he?’ Tony asked Maria. ‘Huh?’

  Maria just stood there with her arms crossed over her chest, her mouth scrunched up like a two year old that can’t get its own way. ‘He’s one of Elle’s older brother’s friends if you must know,’ she replied in a voice that matched her posture to perfection.

  ‘What do you think you’re doing picking up your mate’s friends?’

  ‘I didn’t pick him up.’

  ‘Then what are you doing here then? Embarrassing me like this?’

  ‘What do you mean embarrassing you? You’re embarrassing me! I’m just here to have some fun, you’re not my dad.’

  ‘Not your dad? We don’t have a dad, Maria. So, someone’s gotta look out for you.’

  ‘I’m a big girl now, Tony.’

  ‘You think? Big girl fucking men much older than you.’

  Maria crossed her arms over her chest and huffed. ‘I’m not fucking him.’

  Tony shook his head, a fake grin on his face. ‘No?’

  Maria pushed her face into his. ‘No.’

  Tony grabbed her cheeks in one hand and squeezed, making her tongue pop out of her mouth. Mario saw and reacted. Charlie held him back.

  Tony pointed a finger at him. ‘I said you stay out of this!’ he shouted before turning his attention back to Maria. ‘You think this prick cares about you?’ he asked her. ‘Huh? He only wants you for one thing, then when he’s had enough—’

  ‘That’s bullshit!’ Mario shouted from behind Charlie. ‘It ain’t true, Maria. Don’t listen to him. Why is he saying this?’ he asked Charlie.

  Charlie shrugged.

  Maria wanted to speak but couldn’t under her brother’s grip. When Tony realised this, he let go, and she backed away from him. ‘You always have to do this shit, Tony!’ she shouted, now hysterical. ‘Why?’

  There were tears in her eyes and Nick Black stared at her with pity in his heart. This wasn’t right. He understood Tony feeling protective of his sister. Shit, he knew how he felt, because he had a sister too. Two of them, in fact, so he knew the score. But he felt this was going too far. It was obsessive. And pretty sick.

  ‘You don’t even know him and you say these mean things!’ she said through her tears.

  ‘I fucking know,’ Tony replied, digging his thumb into his own chest, making his gold stavro bounce. ‘I know him. I know ’em all. And I do this to protect you from predators, Maria. From people who wanna use you. One day you’ll understand and you’ll be grateful.’

  ‘I’ll never be grateful!’ she spat.

  Tony looked away, licking his lower lip, and for a second Nick Black thought he was gonna rush Mario, was sure of it. But, somehow he held back.

  ‘Come on, we’re going!’ he said to Maria instead, putting his hand out.

  She refused to take it. ‘I’m not going anywhere with you!’

  ‘Yeah you are…’ Tony replied and grabbed her arm again. He yanked her towards him and at the same time turned away to leave.

  ‘Maria!’ Mario shouted.

  She turned her head to face him, but was effortlessly pulled away by her older and stronger brother. Nick Black watched Tony drag her away like some kind of rag doll and thought what a fucked up situation it was. He glanced at Nick XR2 who shrugged, probably thinking exactly the same thing. Marco just looked nonplussed.

  Nick XR2 approached Mario, who looked like he was set to go after Tony.

  Nick XR2 showed him his palms. ‘You better just leave it, mate,’ he told him. ‘When Tony gets possessive like that, it’s best to leave him alone.’

  ‘He’s a psycho,’ Mario said, cold reading him to a tee.

  ‘He’s our friend,’ Nick XR2 replied. ‘You got a problem with him, you got one with us too.’ Mario just stared back at him, his eyes full of dislike. ‘Now, it’s best you just go home and maybe forget about Maria.’

  ‘Forget about her?’ Mario replied. ‘Why the fuck should I?’

  ‘Tony. That’s why. As long as you hang around her, he’ll hang around you. Is it worth it?’

  Mario straightened his jacket. ‘Yeah it is, actually. It’s pretty serious between us and we won’t let this crap stand in our way.’ He looked everyone over one by one, a look of determination etched on his face. He then turned away and strode off, kicking over a wastebasket, sending it clanging against the back of a stand. Soon, he disappeared into the crowd.

  Nick Black looked round to see Tony dragging Maria to the entrance of the park. He let out a long sigh. At least no one got hurt. Charlie just stood there shaking his head.

  ‘What was that all about?’ Marco asked out loud, now that Tony had dragged Maria out of earshot.

  ‘You don’t wanna know,’ Nick XR2 replied. ‘Listen, I’ll call you tomorrow about that thing, yeah?’

  Marco began nodding. ‘Yeah. Tomorrow’s good.’

  ‘We’re all in, okay? Including Tony and Charlie,’ Nick XR2 added. He glanced at Charlie, who was looking at him sideways. Nick XR2 just gave him a stern nod in return.

  ‘Good to hear. Just find us one more man and we’re all set. Like I said, I wanna get this done sharpish. The sooner we get organised the better.’ Nick XR2 nodded in agreement and put out his hand.

  Marco took it again. ‘See you boys later,’ he said to Nick Black and Charlie before turned away and like Mario, disappeared into the funfair.

  Nick Black approached Nick XR2 and puffed his cheeks. ‘Same old Tony, eh?’

  ‘He really shouldn’t do that shit to her,’ Charlie said. ‘It ain’t right.’

  ‘No it ain’t. But, it’s none of our business. It’s between Tony and Maria,’ Nick XR2 replied.

  Nick Black shrugged. A minute ago we were all friends, now it’s between them only…

  ‘Who you gonna ask to get on this thing with Marco?’ Nick Black asked, wanting to change track.

  ‘Taki,’ Nick XR2 replied.

  ‘Taki?’ Nick Black echoed.

  ‘He’s a mummy’s boy,’ Charlie stated.

  ‘You think he’s gonna have the balls to do this?’ Nick Black asked.

  ‘All he’s gonna do is look out, he ain’t going in the tomb with us. No chance.’

  ‘You’re seriously going through with this?’ Charlie asked.

  ‘Of course, Charlie. As long as what he’s saying is true, it’s free money.’

  ‘Well, you can count me out.’

  ‘No, you’re in.’

  ‘No, I’m not.’

‘Yeah, you are.’ Charlie looked away and rolled his eyes, giving up the chase. ‘Now, do you two wanna lift home?’ Nick XR2 asked. ‘I’m fucking sick of this place.’


  ‘You’re gonna do what? Just run that by me again, ’cos I don’t think I heard you right.’

  Nick XR2 adjusted in his seat, suddenly feeling about as big as a flea. ‘We’re gonna break into a tomb full of jewels and loot it,’ he replied, his face expressionless.

  Taki leant back in his chair, his eyes widening, his round face lighting up like a fruit machine that has hit its jackpot. ‘HAHAHAHAHA!’ he bellowed, crossing his arms over his chest and lifting his face towards the ceiling.

  Nick just stared at him coldly. He didn’t like being laughed at by anyone, let alone a king size mummy’s boy like Taki.

  Taki’s thunderous laughter soon petered out. He leant forwards, picked up his Turkish coffee and took a sip. When he looked up at Nick again, he burst into a new round of laughter, spraying coffee all over the table. Nick looked away and let out an agitated huff.

  ‘You boys come out with some crazy shit, but this takes the biscuit,’ Taki said, wiping coffee from his mouth and tears from his eyes. ‘Dear oh dear, oh dear, oh dear, oh dear…’

  Nick turned back to face Taki and gave him daggers. ‘Look, dickhead. That’s what’s going down. And we’re talking serious amounts of bling here that can net you and me more than a few lires, believe me. Now, if that doesn’t sound good to you then, sorry, that’s your loss.’

  Taki frowned, calmly sat back in his seat and crossed his arms over his barrel like stomach. ‘You’re serious?’

  Nick tutted and looked away, mumbling under his breath. Was this prick for real? ‘Course I’m serious,’ he said curtly. ‘What you think this is some kind of joke?’

  ‘You are serious,’ Taki repeated, all traces of laughter vanishing from his face.

  ‘Yes. I’m serious. There’s a tomb nearby here filled to the brim with bling and we’re gonna go grab it. Now, you want in or not? Remember I’m doing this for you as a favour.’

  ‘You’re really gonna go dig up a grave in broad daylight and loot it? I mean is there a body in there too…?’

  ‘It’s not a grave, it’s a tomb. Six by ten by…something. Argh, it don’t matter. And to answer your question, yes, there is a body inside, which will probably be bones by now, but you won’t have to see it ’cos you’ll be keeping the guard busy.’

  ‘What guard?’

  ‘The one on duty by the gate.’

  ‘Oh, that’s where I come in, is it?’

  ‘That’s right.’

  ‘Well, how am I supposed to keep this guard busy?’

  ‘We’ll work something out.’

  ‘I thought you had a plan.’

  ‘We do! But, there are one or two little things we need to still sort out.’

  ‘Like my bit.’

  ‘Yeah, like your bit. Look: I could easily go get someone else if you’re not up for it, believe me. Truth is, I’m only giving you the opportunity to get in on this ’cos of that thing that I owe you for.’

  Taki suddenly looked confused. ‘Thing? What thing?’

  Nick cleared his throat, and lowered both his head and his voice. ‘That thing,’ he repeated.

  Taki’s mind worked for a few seconds, then his eyes widened in realisation. ‘Oh, that thing…’

  Nick nodded his head. ‘You know what I’m saying?’

  ‘And my reward for doing that thing is getting in on this thing.’


  Taki sat back and stared past Nick and out of the kitchen window. ‘Wow. Thanks.’

  ‘And this thing is a good earner. Trust me.’

  Taki rubbed his chin and contemplated. ‘How do you know about this tomb anyway?’

  ‘There’s this bloke we met the other day. Says it’s legit.’

  ‘He says?’

  ‘He’s coming with us, he’s got no reason to dark us.’

  ‘How do you know? How do you know he’s telling the truth?’

  ‘Why would he lie? He wants the jewels as much as us. If he’s lying we’ll sort him out, but till then I’m taking him on his word.’

  Taki sat back and began contemplating more. Soon, he began shaking his head. ‘I dunno, re. Robbing graves is just wrong in my book. I mean that’s a grave for fuck’s sake, man, not a deposit box.’

  ‘You sound just like Charlie,’ Nick groaned.

  ‘Well, he’s right, re. It’s immoral.’

  ‘Jesus, look at Mr. Righteous, here. You never done a wrong thing, eh?’

  ‘It ain’t about that, re. Things like this, the dead, I don’t like to mess with. God’ll see what we’ve done. It’s basically a sin is what I’m trying to say.’

  Nick rubbed his forehead in frustration, feeling a migraine starting up. He had enough of that religious skata from Charlie the night before at the fair and in the car on the way home. What planet did these people live on? Not the same one as Nick that was for sure. He lived on a planet where you grabbed what you could in the name of survival.

  He reached forwards and took a sip of his Turkish coffee. ‘Look,’ he then began in a voice that barely retained any of its usual composure. ‘You’re not gonna rob any graves directly, so God won’t be bothering you. And besides, it’ll be the easiest money you’ll ever make, believe me.’

  Taki shook his head. ‘I still don’t know, re…’

  Nick was about to crank his persuasive game up a notch or two when Taki’s mum walked in the kitchen. ‘Okay boys?’ she asked.

  ‘Yes, mum,’ Taki replied.

  ‘En taxi, Thia,’ Nick replied.

  ‘You want more coffee?’ Taki’s mum asked.

  ‘No thanks, Mum. We’re okay.’

  ‘Cakes? There’s loukoumades in the fridge.’

  Taki looked at Nick. ‘You want cakes, man?’

  Nick turned his mouth downwards and shook his head.

  ‘No thanks, Mum,’ Taki said over his shoulder.

  ‘Froutta?’ she then asked.

  ‘Fruit?’ Taki asked Nick.

  Nick shook his head again.

  ‘No thanks, Mum. We’re okay with our coffees.’

  ‘If you need anything, just call me, I’ll be in the other room, okay?’

  ‘Okay, Mum.’

  Jesus, Nick thought to himself. Nick Black was right; this prick really is a mummy’s boy; can’t believe the fucker’s twenty two years old!

  ‘All right, Nick?’

  ‘No problem, Thia,’ Nick replied to her.

  Taki’s mum then turned and scuttled out of the kitchen and into the next room from where she came.

  Taki picked up his coffee and took a sip. ‘Where were we?’ he asked.

  Nick puffed his cheeks. ‘Are you in or not?’ he said, exasperated by Taki and his over-bearing mum. A headache was definitely starting to form. A bad one.

  ‘And how much would my cut be? Just out of interest.’

  ‘The bloke we’re doing this with will get forty percent of the profits. The other sixty is split between the rest of us. Those doing the tomb raiding will obviously get more.’

  ‘And who’s that?’

  ‘Me, Tony, Nick Black. Charlie will be a lookout, and you’ll be taking care of the guard, so you’ll both get less of a cut. We’ll each get twenty five per cent, you and Charlie both get twelve and a half.’

  ‘Oh, so I get half of what you get?’

  ‘You want a bigger cut, you gotta get your fucking hands dirty!’ Nick snapped.

  Taki raised his hands in the air in response. ‘All right, all right, re, I was just asking, no need to bite my head off…’

  ‘Well, I’m getting a migraine now, the kind that feels like there’s a bloke in my head with a pneumatic drill, who is determined to get from the top of my brain down to the bottom, and in the meantime all I fucking want is an answer, otherwise I’ll have to find someone else and time is short. Now, for the last
time, are you in, or not?’

  ‘I don’t have to do anything apart from keep the guard busy?’

  ‘That’s right.’

  ‘No graves, no actual stealing, nothing like that?’


  ‘And you’re sure this is a good earner?’

  ‘As sure as I can be.’

  ‘And you’re sure about this bloke? He’s not a conman or undercover or anything like that?’

  ‘Well, he’s quarter Tibetan, if that helps.’

  ‘Eh? Tibetan?’

  ‘Look. As far as I know, no, he ain’t a conman or undercover.’

  Taki rubbed his chin again.

  ‘I need an answer, Taki…’ Nick said through gritted teeth.

  ‘Nothing can go wrong? It’s all gonna run smoothly?’

  ‘Oh, for fuck’s sake!’

  ‘Okay, okay. Calm down. I’m just making sure…’ He scratched his head and then began nodding slowly. ‘Okay,’ he said. ‘Okay. I’m in.’

  He put out a hand. Nick puffed his cheeks and breathed a sigh of relief. He took Taki’s hand and shook it.

  Thank fuck for small mercies, he thought, then began laughing.


  Charlie sat on one of the benches by Tally Ho Corner, watching the world go by.

  A pigeon warbled past his feet, stopped at some of the previous night’s vomit splattered on the floor a few feet away, and began pecking greedily. The local pissheads had been on another bender, and now the dregs sat on nearby benches with their booze-burnt ruddy faces, special brew in hand. A tramp on a nearby bench with a purple nose and a big bushy beard like Father Christmas except dirtier let out a massive fart before taking another swig of Special.

  Charlie chuckled to himself. ‘I know, I know,’ he said. ‘It’s disgusting.’

  ‘Why do you have to hang around here, Charlie?’ asked a voice in his head. It was Snow White. He liked Snow White, considered her a friend.

  ‘These people are normal,’ Charlie replied. ‘They don’t stare at me funny when I talk to you.’

  ‘I don’t like them. I don’t trust them.’

  Charlie smiled wryly. ‘What is it you’re always telling me about being judgemental?’

  ‘Yes, you’re right. It’s just, well, they’re a tad dirty.’